This religion is of a sort that is public, and not private; plenty abroad, but none at home; plenty without, but none within; plenty in the tongue, but none in the heart. They are altogether unprofitable, good for nothing, they bear no fruit. — J.C. Ryle
Dear Reader,
This attempt at a story says what I’ve been trying to say for a long time. My friends, I am intensely grieved at the constant scapegoating of marginalized communities in our country to cover our own spiritual wastelands. But as I write this, we have entered another chapter of the cruel and demonic attacks on a group of our fellow image bearers in Ohio. Please read here and here.
Not only does the racist and xenophobic celebrity incite violence against children and their families, he further vows to do this.
I don’t know how I can reach the hearts of my fellow Christians who use pro-life arguments to be silent and willfully ignorant about the treatment of innocent life.
Friends, have you ever talked to the boomers who regret their inaction during the Civil Rights Movement? The silence and happy ignorance in their churches? Their regret of not marching at Selma? I have. And it motives me to continue to lift this up. Hand to God, as a white Christine, I believe my witness depends on it.
So here’s my story.
Family driving to church and passing a man with a sign: “Homeless, Hungry”
DAD: Doesn’t he see all the help wanted signs down the road?
MOM: [shaking head] I bet he got participation trophies when he was a kid.
[Dad laughs.]
CHILD 1: Our school makes you earn trophies!
[Mom, nods approvingly.]
DAD: That’s right honey. That’s why we sacrificed. Mother canceled her gym membership so you can attend that school so we can afford a school that teaches real history and biblical economics.
CHILD 2: Didn’t we get big government checks?
MOM: That’s — -
DAD: (talking over Mom)The checks are reimbursements for choosing not to send you both to government controlled racist indoctrination centers.We are actually saving the state tax money, so the checks are reimbursements for our wise choices.
MOM: It’s NOT welfare.
CHILD 2: Cool, because being on welfare is wrong. It ‘s because you’re lazy and don’t want to work–that’s what my teacher says.
DAD: Yes son, that is right. Responsible hard working people are not poor. The Bible says if you don’t work….
FAMILY: [in unison]You don’t eat!!!
CHILD 1: [pointing] Like that guy with the sign!
DAD: [self assured] Exactly!
Family passes a community center with a sign “All Are Welcome” and a pride flag. Dad snorts. Mom shaking head.
CHILD 1: I’m glad that OUR school doesn’t allow those flags.
DAD: That reminds me, Karen, did you remember to order my Honor Our Heritage Dixie flag car magnets?
MOM: Yes dear it’s on your desk.
CHILD 1: [recognizing the truck in front of them] Look! Mr Robbie Lee has one!
CHILD 2: We learned about the real reason for the War of Northern Aggression. It was–
FAMILY :[in unison] States rights!!
[The family stops at another light. Mom glanced nervously at the row of buildings with a coin laundry, thrift store, outreach ministry and a walk in recovery center. A sprawling homeless encampment occupied the corner. A mother sits on a box, holding a baby and feeding a little boy. Recovery center staff were moving boxes from a delivery truck.]
DAD: [snorting] Probably drugs.
MOM: [shakes head]Those illegals are destroying our country.
DAD: [without any context whatsoever]Our tax dollars at work.
CHILD 1: Dad, this place is really sketch.
MOM: [checks door locks] I wish it weren’t so close to the church. I worry about our children.”
CHILD 1: [whispering to Child 2] I think I saw a harlot.
DAD: [aggrieved] Our hard earned taxes down the drain.
Family sitting in car in church parking lot.
DAD: Ok everyone, grab your bibles!
MOM: [in judgy whisper] Look at what that girl is wearing. I can’t believe her mother let her out of the home.
DAD: [eyeing her closely] Let’s make sure we don’t sit behind her. We don’t want to tempt Child 2.
MOM: [eyeing her closely] Absolutely. I’m going right now and tell my sunday school class to pray for her, and for our men not to be tempted.
DAD: Don’t forget to pray that that woman who wants to put porn in our local school doesn’t get elected.
[Mom nods seriously, Dad sighs deeply, both caring for the children.]
DAD: I’m right behind you, I just need to get this call from work.
[Dad glances around furtively, and spends a few minutes in the car with his favorite website. Mom walks across the parking lot, slips a pill in her mouth and chases it with her Starbucks. Waves to her pharmacist.]
MOM: [waving] We need to have a golf day soon!
Family in the car, driving out of the parking lot.
MOM: David and Sandy want to play golf. I’ll text him saying we are free next Saturday.
Mom takes Dad’s phone and searches for a messaging app. Dad accelerates, wanting to beat the Sunday lunch crowd at The Meat Cleaver. Mom suddenly screeches, startling Dad, who swerved into the parked truck at the recovery center. Mom, bleeding from forehead, Child 2 with broken collarbone, Child 1 crying and wailing loudly, Dad, unharmed, finds his phone.
Helpers poured out of the laundromat, and recovery center, gently helping them out of the car, bringing blankets and bandages. The mother of the baby and young boy hovered over Child 1 and Child 2, comforting with low sweet words. Her little boy laid hands on them both, mimicking what his little heart had soaked in from his community, and began to pray. A woman with a name tag and lanyard with her photo helps his bleeding wife out onto the sidewalk.
DAD: [startled] That’s my w — -
HELPER: [meeting his gaze] Sir. I am a nurse and first responder.
Dad’s phone dinging with texts from church folks who were going to stop, but all had places to be, texted they’d pray for him. Robbie Lee from church slows his truck to a stop.
ROBBIE LEE: [eyeing the crowd] You okay? You need some back up?
Dad shakes his head as an elderly man brings him an icepack and styrofoam cup of coffee.
Who were the neighbors to this family?
LAW EXPERT: The one(s) who showed (them) mercy.
JESUS: Go and do likewise.
— Luke 10:36–37